Dáhlia is a creative studio with a mission to unite projects, processes and people, reestablishing the original values that integrate individuals to their physical and social space.
The values shared by the studio are based in: social, environmental and economic responsibility, clarity, coherence, amplitude of actions, respect to all human beings, interdisciplinary connections, empathy, highlighting of culture and memory.
Offered services
Architecture: Pre-project evaluation - analysis of space usage and its technical and environmental features; Requirement Program - detailed assemblance of the user's requirements; Planning and projects - preliminary study, architectonic project, compatibilization, executive project and detailing, interiors project, electronic mockup, technical visit.
Art: installations, objects, photography, drawing, ceramics, textile art, manual processes, handicraft, exhibitional project.
Design: furniture design, textile design, development of promotional handicraft kits.
Education: projects in art education to formal and informal spaces.
Research: Research in the fields of architecture, art and design with respect to individuals and their cultural manifestations.
Way of working
Executing interdisciplinary partnerships, the work happens in synchrony with the potentialities of each partner and the requirements of the given project or research. The results are singular works that reflect the values of the studio.

Helga Freitas Pompeu
The graduation in the fields of Architecture and Urbanism, Visual Art and graduation in Art is the result of desire to study, investigate and produce artifacts, them being in the living dimension and the city space, or in the objects that surround our social life. That's the origin of the intention to realize research and projects fundamented in values that can establish new ways to think of the world and to consider reflexes of social and environmental changes. The interdisciplinary doctor degree in Constructed Environment and Sustainable Patrimony in the Architecture School of UFMG represents the continuity of studying for the thematic of patrimony in its various scales, starting from the interaction of processes in the natural and constructed environment and the society that founds and recognizes its value.

Continente | Design |
Emerenciana | Crochet |
Isabela Lopes e Gabriel Nardeli | Architecture |
Mirelli Medeiros | Architecture and Landscaping |
Sieiros | Serigraphy |
Editora Atafona | Publishing Company |
Ibiticoffee | Arabic coffee producer |