Cotton ecobag
Biocor Instituto
Ateliê Denisarts
These Bags are made with livelong materials from a fabric industry that incorporates eco-efficiency plans into its production process.

About the project
The materials we use:
Denim 100% cotton, resistant and washable. This material provides sensory comfort and at the same time offers strength and durability for many years. For the pocket, we opted for the 100% cotton off-white twill and on the straps the 100% cotton twill shoelace. The company chosen to supply the fabrics informs that it is associated with ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) wich is an international initiative for the non-use of harmful chemicals in its production process. Therefore, the supplier company created an evaluation and control policy for all chemical products in order to protect its employees, customers and the environment. It is associated with the BCI (Better Cotton Initiative), which is also an international initiative to use more sustainably produced cotton.
Biocor Instituto Logo:
The logo was made using the industrial embroidery process in accordance with the colors of the company's visual identity. The phrase "life as a greater value" translates the ethics and main motivation of its founder, Dr. Mario Vrandecic.
Why we choose natural fibers:
Cotton fibers have a better potential to be reused in the production chain. Cotton can also be recycled by being shredded into fiber, which can be turned into yarn and fabric again.
How we produce:
We produce in small sewing workshops.
Reverse logistic:
We decided to make products to be durable. At the end of its useful life, we can offer information to users about the reuse of materials that can become new raw materials in new projects.