"Pandora Box" Exhibition
Installation of interactive objects created from the greek myth of Pandora. Place: Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil.

About the project
The myth of Pandora was the starting point for the development of these boxes. Their purpose is to be touched, observed and its interior images to be enjoyed. The boxes aim to bring the unexpected through an illusion, as if you're diving into virtuality. Each box occupies a small fraction of space and simultaneously relativizes that same space, revealing then a multiple and infinite interior.
There's a temporal matter in this finite and small space which, through interaction, reveals itself as personal and extensive. Fully understanding it is only possible when, whilst interacting with it, the viewer decides to take a risk and actually look. Like the interior - or specular exterior - of Ego and Nocturnal, the observer's eyes are attracted and their image is infinitely reproduced.
Each object presupposes a critical observation, an identity and an intrinsic meaning associated to the particular way of looking. How to define what's real, or is it all just the construction of image? In this universe made of images, our emotions run through spaces that go way beyond reality.
This exhibition was selected in the same year of its development, by specific and distinctive editals, to occupy two public spaces: the local court of justice, TJMG, during the time located at Goiás street, and the court of jurisdiction, at Francisco Sales street. Posteriorly to the exhibition there was a fusion of these two courts, which began to share the same advisory of Institutional Communication. Both editals predicted the occupation of the expositive spaces, in which the separated exhibitions took place.